officer services

At USIA Nationwide, we employ our skilled guards in a variety of disciplines ready to meet any security need. From unarmed security details to licensed armed professionals, when security is a concern our team’s skill set are unmatched. Below represents our team’s wide range of skill set depending on your security concerns.

Unarmed Guards:
USIA Nationwide’s Uniformed Unarmed Officers are held to a higher standard than most in the industry. Our Uniformed Unarmed Officers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to safeguard your property, employees, clients, and customers alike. When a visible security presence is required, our Uniformed Unarmed Officers are at the ready to stand guard for duties such as; Communicating safety protocols, providing stationary or roving details, preparing incident reports, and calling for assistance if necessary.

Armed Guards:
At USIA Nationwide, our Uniformed Armed Officers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to ensure security in any situation. Uniformed Armed Officers are traditionally utilized in high end retail and high traffic areas such as jewelry stores, commercial buildings and banking establishments.

Our Uniformed Armed Security Officers know that carrying a weapon is a serious responsibility. The USIA Nationwide Armed Guard team continually trains in safely handling firearms and weapons. This ensures our top level professionals have the sharpest skills ready to respond appropriately.

Military Professionals:
USIA Nationwide Military Professionals are highly skilled personnel tasked in various levels of security detail from high end retail to emergency response teams. Utilized in Uniformed situations or waiting with a “to go bag” for deployment in a disaster situation.

Concealed Carry Officers (CCW):
AT USIA Nationwide, our armed team of Concealed Carry Officers (CCW) gives organizations peace of mind when dealing with a possible workplace violence or hostile termination without raising concern amongst employees. Concealed Carry Officers are often off duty law enforcement, retired law enforcement or military personnel. The CCW unique advantage is in their ability to blend in with their surrounding environment.

Concealed carry Officers (CCW) are often utilized when working with media crews. Their professionalism and skill set in situational awareness provides a safe environment for news and media teams.

Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) :
Our retired or off duty officers are available for security details in accordance with state and local laws. Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) are traditionally utilized in a more volatile situation, high crime area and emergency response situations. The USIA Nationwide Law Enforcement Officer team has the highest level of training.

This is vital in situations that require diffusing potential criminal or violent activity, situational awareness and the skilled ability to recognize body language and behaviors that might be of concern. Additionally, our Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) are deployed to supervise our emergency response teams in the field, to ensure the utmost security and professionalism.

If you have security concerns that may require the presence of a professional security guard. Fill out the form below or give us a call 1-888-488-USIA (8742).